Procedures for a Pre-designed Website Process


1. Choose the template you would like to use from the different website option selections. Also, note that templates can be modified to fit your need.


2. Fill out the sign-up form.  Answer every required (*) question to successfully submit your application.  When your application has been successfully submitted, you will see a confirmation page. When your website ready to be published, you pay an inexpensive one-time set-up fee.


3. After you signed up, within 24 hours, we will email you to acknowledge that your application has been received and begin to process your website if all the details are confirmed.


4. You may start writing the information you want to have in your website upon submitting your application. Compile the text, photos, and other data on your computer to be available when you need to enter them into your template. 


5. Enter your website contents into your template.  Contents are relatively easy to enter.  Text and pictures take only a few steps to add or replace.  A user friendly instructional videos on how to edit text, add/delete data or pictures, insert videos, or edit pull down menus are provided. 


We recommend that all information is entered in your website before publication; however, you may add text or pictures later if they are not available.  Also, proofread your contents before we publish your website online.  


Normally, for pre-designed website, it will take just a few days to process your website for publication once the content is ready. 


Procedures for a Custom Design Website Process


1. Choose the Design Sample you would like to use from our various business or industry categories, and fill out the corresponding sign-up form. (If there is no Sample available that fits your need, please proceed to Custom Premium Option. Click sign up icon and fill out the application form. This applies for all custom designed website categories: Bunisness, Church or Non-profit.)


2. Fill out the sign-up form.  Answer every required (*) question to successfully submit your application.  When your application is successfully submitted, you will see a confirmation page.

Within 24 hours, we will email you to acknowledge that your application has been received and set a plan to finalize your website proposal. We will be in-touch with you throughout the process.


3. You may start writing the information you want to have in your website upon submitting your application.  Compile the text, photos, and other data on your computer to be available when it is time to enter them into your website. 


We recommend that all information is entered in your website before publication; however, more information can be added later as they become available.  Also, proofread contents before we publish your website online.  


Normally, it will take a week or so (for standard size) to process your website once design and structure is finalized and the content is ready.